Monday, April 17, 2006

Day 92 : Slow on updates, not on progress

Just a quick note. Easter hasn't been as filled with progress as I had hoped. Thursday and Friday I was sick. Although it helped my relationship with the bathroom, it didn't help the project. Found an interesting bug today in my XML parser. Actually, I discovered something that made me think : "Holy crap that NEVER should've worked". And yet I had made rather good playable demo with it. Strange how sometimes stuff just "happens to work". Anyway it's fixed now.

I'm now working on part II of the playable level and I'm having a hard time making the tanks follow the ground. All these talks about normals and maths are giving me headaches so I'm punching out. The result I have so far is kind of satisfactory. But I'll tweak it some more later.

Also making the turret on the tank follow the player was also hard as the tank's orientation changes based on the terrain. But I got that part right on the money in not too long a time. Hurray for me. Now I need the cannon on the turret to also follow the player. Shouldn't be too hard but I got sidetracked by the XML bug. Will work on it later.

So good progress, but updates are slow because it kind of detracts away from making progress in the game itself. But I'll keep posting. Once in a while.

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