Monday, May 01, 2006

Day 106 : Second playable level almost ready

I have been through several nasty bugs these last few weeks. A lot of memory mismanagement on my part (a lot of the code was prototypal, it had to be brought up to production code standard). I'm happy to say that I have something that I consider close to production code across the board. Meaning my classes are clean, the original Ogre application I based my game on is now almost completely gone and everything is done in my code where it should.

I have designed a second level, which is actually the second part of the same level I had done before. This new segment features a new, different gameplay mode from the first segment. A third segment, the boss segment, will feature the third and final gameplay mode.

One huge thing that is up and coming is the seamless integrations between level segments. I want to be able to design and test level segments independently but the final result has to look seamless. That should keep me busy for a while. But I believe this is the last "unknown" in this project. That is, the last difficult step to cross before production can begin. I still haven't created one single asset for the game, so really I can't provide screenshots or anything. I can say that I'm up to 12000 lines of original code so far.

It'll be tough to recruit people to help out. It's the old chicken and egg story. I need an artist to make content to produce screenshots, and I need screenshots to attract contributors (including artists). Oh well, I'll cross that bridge when I reach it.

Christian out.

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